Your garage door deserves the best!
How to Protect Your Family from Accidents

Local Garage Door Company In Tampa

Servicing automatic door owners near Tampa for over a decade

How to Protect Your Family from Accidents

How to Protect Your Family from Accidents | Garage Door Tampa FL

Accidents will never cease to happen, but some of them can be prevented and avoided. Many garage door related accidents in Tampa do not actually occur due to a sudden malfunction of the openers or factors that cannot be predicted, but indifference and negligence of the homeowners. If you consider that there are thousands of garage doors in Tampa, you will realize that the possibility of accidents is high and that makes this phenomenon a serious social issue, especially if the accidents involve little children that cannot easily defend themselves. The manufacturers produce annually many improved garage doors and accessories to enhance the consumers’ safety, but they will never manage to build the perfect system since most accidents happen due to human error and perhaps that’s something we must think about or even better do something about it.

Protect yourself

  • Refrain from standing underneath the moving door or close to the overhead door springs when you are using your multicode remote to avoid injuries in case they snap.
  • Pay attention to the dates the manufacturer has pointed out for service and don’t let problems go unnoticed even if they are small. The more you postpone their fixing the most likely you put yourself in danger.

Protect your children and your pets

  • If there is a switch on the wall for the opening of the garage door, make sure it’s placed beyond the reach of your kids.
  • Remember that the remote controls move the heaviest device in your house, so don’t let them lay around because they can be dangerous to the hands of your children or even pets. If you have spare ones, hide them well where they can’t find them.
  • Don’t give a bad example to children by standing under the door or by doing activities in close distance and don’t allow your kids to play or ride their bicycles close to the mechanism and the garage door parts.
  • Don’t let the kids alone in the garage; you must fasten their belts in the car first before you activate the operator.
  • Make sure the door, which connects the house with the garage, is always locked and keep the key on you or out of the reach of children. Anyway, apart from the dangers behind your garage door, you keep many tools in the garage that kids shouldn’t mess with for their safety. Children are curious and they want to check out everything, so kill their curiosity by explaining why you are forbidding them the entrance or to play in the garage.

Have any questions? We can help! Please leave your contact information below and we will get in touch as soon as possible.


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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Feb 12, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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